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Block Chain

A reliable, difficult to hack record of transactions and record of who owns what. Blockchain is based on distributed ledger technology, which securely records information across a peer-to-peer network. Although it was originally created for trading bitcoin, blockchain’s potential reaches far beyond cryptocurrency. Blockchain ledgers can include land titles, loans, identities, logistics manifests, almost anything of value. The technology is still new, but the potential impact it can have on business is exciting and immense.

Currently four types of Blockchain are available, Private blockchain, Public blockchain, Semi-Private blockchain, Consortium blockchain.

Range of Industries

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  • Faster process
  • Transparency
  • Automation
  • Security
  • Fewer Intermediaries


  • Cloud platform block chain service
  • HANA Block chain services
  • Integrating blockchain in to SAP application (Global Track and Trace, Advanced Track and Trace Pharmaceutical)
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