SAP Financial and Controlling Project Win
ATTON is privileged to welcome one of the leading automotive parts manufacturing firm to be a part of our digital intelligent family! The client, an manufacturer of metallic components, lighting component, fiber/plastic parts, has chosen ATTON, to support and enhance SAP financial (FI) and controlling (CO) process and to do continuous innovation with it. Kudos…
SAP Enhancement Project Win
ATTON is privileged to welcome one of renowned automotive parts manufacturer, to be a part of our digital intelligent family! The client, an manufacturer of automotive parts, has chosen ATTON to support and enhance their SAP application and to do continuous innovation with it. Kudos to the entire team on this amazing project win. [stm_post_bottom][stm_spacing…
SAP AMS Project Win
Another amazing SAP project win! ATTON is privileged to welcome one of the leading mill roller manufacturing firm in India to be a part of our digital intelligent family! The client, an mill roller manufacturer has chosen ATTON, to support their SAP landscape and to do continuous innovation with it. Congrats to the entire sales…
Amazing SAP Project Win
Another amazing SAP project win in India! ATTON is privileged to welcome one of the leading rubber belt manufacturing firm in India to be a part of our digital intelligent family! The client, an rubber belt manufacturing major has chosen ATTON, to support their SAP landscape and to do continuous innovation with it. Kudos to…
SAP® PartnerEdge® Open Ecosystem
Big thanks to all of our Customers, Vendors, ATTON Family members and well-wishers for getting rewarded as the SAP® PartnerEdge® open ecosystem….!! This is because of your belief, commitments, consistent efforts, hard works, perseverance & positive thinking. Looking forward to the same in the future & excelling together..!!! Dear Team Members, Congratulations to you for…
Atton Open New Office
Atton, opens new office in Baner-Pune, having seating capacity of 50+ people. [stm_post_bottom][stm_spacing lg_spacing="80" md_spacing="80" sm_spacing="30" xs_spacing="20"][stm_sidebar sidebar="527"]Looking for a digital and intelligent transformation partner?{{ vc_btn: link=url%3A%2523%7C%7C&title=Get+a+Quote&style=flat&gradient_color_1=turquoise&gradient_color_2=blue&gradient_custom_color_1=%23dd3333&gradient_custom_color_2=%23eeee22&gradient_text_color=%23ffffff&custom_background=%23ededed&custom_text=%23666&outline_custom_color=%23666&outline_custom_hover_background=%23666&outline_custom_hover_text=%23fff&shape=rounded&color=theme_style_2&size=md&align=right&add_icon=true&i_align=right&i_type=fontawesome&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-chevron-right&i_icon_openiconic=vc-oi+vc-oi-dial&i_icon_typicons=typcn+typcn-adjust-brightness&i_icon_entypo=entypo-icon+entypo-icon-note&i_icon_linecons=vc_li+vc_li-heart&i_icon_monosocial=vc-mono+vc-mono-fivehundredpx&i_icon_material=vc-material+vc-material-cake&i_icon_pixelicons=vc_pixel_icon+vc_pixel_icon-alert }}