
Institutions of higher education and research are a diverse community, ranging from community colleges to medical schools, spanning the globe. As diverse as they are these schools, colleges, and universities are going through very similar growing pains as they emerge into the age of a fully digital world.Experts identify technologies such as analytics, mobility and virtual engagement as key to digitalization. A maturing digital enterprise is described as one using these technologies to transform interactions, processes, workforce management and business models.

In this sense, digitalization will affect every activity, interaction, transaction and outcome at higher education institutions. Like any enterprise they have a complex workforce, demanding stakeholders, asset intense campuses and suppliers they rely on for products and services.These four domains regardless of what type of company or industry an organization is in all require significant resources to manage.


Financial difficulties and rising cost of campus management

Declining program completion rate

Student engagement and learning models

Overall student enrollment is on the declined

Growing privatization of public collages and universities

The role of the university,free speech and campus civility


Student Success and Completion

  • Student Lifecycle Management
  • Student Engagement
  • Student and Learning Analytics
  • Institutional Performance

Academic and Commercial Research

  • Research Planning and Execution
  • Research Analytics
  • Medical Research Insights

Education and Research Revenue

  • Grants Management
  • Learner Fee Management

Our Offerings

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Information Technology Strategy
Business Process Re-engineering
Change Management
Program Management
Project Management


[stm_info_box style=”style_7″ title=”Application Services” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fatton.in%2Fservice%2Fapplication-services%2Fapplication-deployments%2F|||”]

Global Roll out
Production Support
Application Conversion
Landscape Transformation


[stm_info_box style=”style_7″ title=”Automation Services” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fatton.in%2Fservice%2Fautomation-services%2Findustry-4-0%2F|||”]

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Internet of Things (IoT)
Machine Learning
Block Chain
Data Intelligence


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